211 N. Florence, Rm 202
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone Number: 915-212-0258
Website: www.elpasompo.org
The El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization is a transportation policy-making and planning body with representatives from state and local government and transportation authorities. MPOs ensure that existing and future expenditures for transportation projects and programs are based on a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3-C) planning process. Federal requirement in Census urbanized areas of 50,000 or more and a population at or >200,000, designated a Transportation Management Area. The Transportation Policy Board is the deciding body: Texas and New Mexico representation.
The El Paso MPO strives to incorporate sustainable solutions that balance transportation-related needs with finite resources, while promoting a safe and pleasant environment, advancing the quality of life, expanding commerce and economic opportunities, and improving accessibility and mobility with multi-traveling options in our community.
Study “Port of Entry Emissions Inventory for the El Paso Region”
Study “El Paso Regional Ports of Entry Operations Plan-Vol. I- Project Summary Report”
Study “Plan Operacional de los Puertos de Entrada de la Region de El Paso”