The El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization

211 N. Florence, Rm 202
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone Number: 915-212-0258


The El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization is a transportation policy-making and planning body with representatives from state and local government and transportation authorities. MPOs ensure that existing and future expenditures for transportation projects and programs are based on a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3-C) planning process. Federal requirement in Census urbanized areas of 50,000 or more and a population at or >200,000, designated a Transportation Management Area. The Transportation Policy Board is the deciding body: Texas and New Mexico representation.

Mission Statement

The El Paso MPO strives to incorporate sustainable solutions that balance transportation-related needs with finite resources, while promoting a safe and pleasant environment, advancing the quality of life, expanding commerce and economic opportunities, and improving accessibility and mobility with multi-traveling options in our community.

Useful Resources

Study “Port of Entry Emissions Inventory for the El Paso Region”

Study “El Paso Regional Ports of Entry Operations Plan-Vol. I- Project Summary Report”

Study “El Paso Regional Ports of Entry Operations Plan-Vol. II- Technical Appendices Project Summary Report”

Study “Plan Operacional de los Puertos de Entrada de la Region de El Paso”

Northbound Border Crossing for:

Texas Department of Public Safety
The Borderplex Alliance
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Juarez Municipality
Asociación de Maquiladoras
El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization
U.S. House of Representatives
Texas Department of Transportation
City of El Paso
El Paso International Bridges
FIDE Puentes
Texas A&M Transportation Institute