Calle Río Usumacinta #102, Col. Waterfill Río Bravo
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua 32553
Phone Number: (656) 682-1003 ext. 3035 - 3030
E-mail Address:
The Fideicomiso is a Public Trust considered as a parastatal entity. The parties that make up said entity are 3, the State of Chihuahua through the Ministry of Finance, who represents the trustor; the trustee, represented by BANOBRAS, and the trustees, which are divided into 3 parts: bank creditors and/or stock holders, the Municipality of Juárez and finally the State of Chihuahua.
The purpose of the Fideicomiso is to maintain and conserve the various border crossings to generate orderly, safe traffic, offering facilities and a comfortable and efficient service for users, in turn, finance and manage the rehabilitation or development of infrastructure for the benefit of the population of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.